
Use Cases

Work Time Analysis

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DeskSight.AI gives clear visibility of the employees' WorkTime Utilization. With the help of Total WorkTime, the Analysis organization will able to see the total time, productive & unproductive time of the employees to discover behaviours.

Daily Average Work Time Analysis

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DeskSight.Ai will give a clear picture of the Average Productive, Unproductive, and Active WorkTime analysis of a user on a daily basis.
WorkTime Range Analysis

Work Time Range Analysis

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DeskSight.Ai provides complete holistic visibility on a user’s WorkTime Profile of the Active, Productive and Unproductive hours for a given period of time (eg. A month).

Most Productive Teams

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DeskSight.Ai gives full visibility of the productive and unproductive hours of all the teams, also providing the analysis of the most productive team/s in the organization.

Least Productive Teams

DeskSight.Ai gives full visibility of the productive and unproductive hours of all the teams, also providing the analysis of the most unproductive team/s in the organization.

Longest Working

Top 5 users - DeskSight.Ai provides the full visibility on the users having the longest working hours with their productive and unproductive time.

Shortest Working Hours

Top 5 users - DeskSight.Ai provides the full visibility on the users having the shortest working hours with their productive and unproductive time.

Most Used Productive App Categories

DeskSight.Ai will provide you the visibility of the most productive applications being used in the organization.

Most Used Unproductive Applications

DeskSight.Ai will provide the visibility of the most unproductive applications being used in the organization.